As of January 1, 2022 we officially partnered with local pastors in Pakistan to mentor and train them in church planting! Now operating under the name Free Grace United, Pastor Ehtsham and his team seek to bring the gospel to their nation.

Prior to our friendship, this team began ministering in 2018 to local children and youth teaching them the Good News of Jesus. In coordination with Fresh Water Ministries, this team was able to build a church building and officially plant their church in 2021.

FGU Global has mentored these ministers of the gospel to begin sharing the good news door to door in more villages. There are currently 4 FGU churches in Pakistan. For their safety, we cannot share their exact location(s).


We are excited to to help reach this region for Jesus alongside Pastor Ehtsham and his leadership team Pastors Sharoon, Nimar, and Afaq .